About Us

We make artisanal handbags from repurposed military uniforms and other materials.  Proceeds from all sales will go towards scholarships for individuals interested in studying or doing research on PTSD, mental health, traumatic brain injury and/or memory.

Las Alba is sister owned by Angelina and Johanny Puello. Angelina is a Nurse and has been in the Navy for 15 years.  Johanny is a Fashion Photographer and Fashion Designer who developed an interest in human behavior and obtained degrees in Forensic Psychology and Special Early Childhood Education.  Their bifurcated paths merged when Johanny asked Angelina to give her one of her old uniforms to make a bag, from there, the idea organically came to life to start this venture in order to help veterans and low income students with funding their education. 

Mission:  Our mission is to create beautiful repurpose bags with military uniforms and leather and provide scholarships to low-income students interested in studying and/or doing research on mental health including PTSD to help veterans and their families.

Vision: To help decrease the number of veterans that take their lives by working with the families and veterans as a unit.


The uniforms used in our production come from donations from family members and friends.  We would like to give special thanks to the Humble and Roberts Family and the BPC Clothing Ministry  for  their donations and for  believing in our mission.


Our Team

Jose Hidalgo Designer &  Mechanical Engineer USA

Tania Lucchesi Designer & Manufacturer Italy

Paola Rodriguez Alba Visual Artist & Architect Dominican Republic

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